Time is impossible!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Isn't it?!

Just how fast it goes sometimes and slow others and how it bends and folds and spreads before us and vanishes into the abyss.

I'm clearly having one of those wibbily-wobbily, timey-wimey moments. (Although once it's brought to your attention, how do you not have them? Thanks, Doctor!)

Since February, I'd been posting weekly here on the blog, except while tromping around the Alps (#AwesomeTrip!), but now I see my last post was FOUR weeks ago! How is that even possible?!! 

AND it's the end of 2022?!!  What?!!


So, how are you doing, right now? 

(I know: let's don't get started on that concept of "now"...)

When you look back at the last year--and the last two years and 10 months, perhaps--How do you feel? What do you think? What makes you feel proud? gives you solace? bugs the daylights out of you? makes you laugh? gives you hope?

Are you able to take some time this winter for settling and reflection?

I'm taking two weeks off of work, but within that time, I do want to set aside time to reflect, to sit with those reflections, and then--and only then--to plan. 

Do you do that thing I do: plan and then plan some more, and then plan more still, without necessarily completing, much less reflecting on what was done?

I'm working on it--if you want to work on it together, let me know! I love a buddy or a team!

This year, my fellow blog writers and I spent a good bit of time looking at meaning through a few different lenses. I think meaning with regard to talent development is important and valuable from at least a few perspectives--participants want learning ops to be meaningful to them; providers want participants to find meaning, hear the meaning in what we offer; meaning increases the chance that we're making the world a better place through learning so we are better aligned with our values.

What do you think?

Where did you feel meaning in 2022--either as a creator of it or as a beneficiary of it? 

What made it meaningful to you? (I hope you'll share in the LinkedIn conversation)

I need to do some reflection, alone and with the Communications team, but I think some of my future posts will look at culture, specifically the conscious building of culture and what is involved in that.

Do you have thoughts about that area of conversation?

If you do, will you please share them? You can post them in the LinkedIn conversation or send them to communications@tdmaine.org. Whether you want only to participate in a conversation with another person about it or you want to publish a blog post, I'd love to hear your take, your insights, your perspective.

In case time gets away from me these next couple of weeks, I want to wish you well during the winter holidays! I hope the end of year provides you the joy and closure you wish for to launch you into the new year just the way you want.

All the best wishes from Dawn and ATDMaine

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